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Become a Certified Climate Leader!

Anyone can make a difference! While climate change can seem overwhelming, even small actions can collectively create a huge impact. Join us in leading the charge for a sustainable future. 

Youth interested in achieving a Climate Leadership Certification are encouraged to participate in one of our workshops.

Choose your leadership level. You'll learn more about each option during the workshop.​

After completing a workshop, you'll be prepared to embark on your leadership journey. Along the way, you can share your progress, ask questions, and receive feedback. 

  • EarthXplorers: 

    • At least 1 activity​

    • CPJ Journal photo entry

  • Climate Champion: 

    • At least 2 activities​

    • Submit photos or a written description of your activities to CPJ Journal

  • Climate Ambassador: 

Examples of Climate Leadership Certification activities
These activities help you achieve EarthXplorer and Climate Champion leadership levels. The certification process is designed to be flexible. Feel free to develop your own activity. Share your ideas with us to get feedback. To become a Climate Ambassador, select activities and use our tools to develop your Climate Action Plan

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